The Damaging Affect of Blue Light on Your Skin

Do you think because you’re stuck self-isolating indoors, awaiting the start of your latest Zoom conference during COVID 19 you can skip the sunscreen?  Well, think again! 

Your skin is still exposed to all forms of visible light which includes not only the damaging UV rays of the sun streaming through your windows but especially to the blue light spectrum which emits energy (irradiance) thought to be cumulative and damaging –  ranging from halogen light bulbs, computer screens, televisions, smart phones, to lamps used in nail salons.

Dermatologist Dr. Eva Simmons O’Brien, M.D., F.A.A.D., Co-Founder of the Claire Marie Foundation Medical Advisory, recommends you wear sunscreen daily indoors as well as outdoors to ensure protection of your skin against the entire spectrum of light. “Visible light can induce pigment changes and may have an adverse cumulative effect on the overall health of your skin.” Dr. Simmons O’Brien says.  This can be of extreme importance for people of color and those who are at risk for  melasma; a condition in which the pigmentation of the skin darkens or becomes discolored. melasma is thought to be caused by UV damage, genetic predisposition, and hormone changes. Although it can affect anyone, melasma is more common in women – especially pregnant women and those who are taking contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy. 

Dr. Simmons O’Brien also advises to always make certain your sunscreens contain physical blockers such as titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide in their formulations. The micronized zinc preparations won’t leave you looking pasty or chalky!  Just add it into your daily routine so you can be skin safe while you #StaySafe

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Congratulations to Our 2020 Claire Marie Arts & Design Scholar

Congratulations to Allison, “Allie”  McDavid, the 2020 Recipient of the Claire Marie Scholarship in Arts & Design!

 The Notre Dame Preparatory Senior got the news via NDP art teacher Anne Walker while isolated at her home, but the lack of fanfare did not diminish her excitement! Allie begins her studies this fall at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio where she will immerse herself in Interior and Architectural Designs.

Every year since 2015, the $5,000 award is given to a graduating senior from Claire’s alma mater, Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson Maryland to support the recipient’s desire to study design arts in college. It was a dream of Claire’s to launch a career in interior design and we are thrilled to see other young women share the same passion and excitement. Each year, our winners are selected by an exquisite team of noted design professionals from across the country! They bring expertise in fine arts, theatrical, animation, interiors, photography and film. Our thanks to our CMF Scholarship Committee: Katie Fico with Walt Disney Animation Studio, Los Angeles based Interior Designer Stacey Vuduris, Theatrical Designer Timothy Swiss of Los Angeles, Photographer Susannah Dowell of Colorado and Maryland’s First Lady and MICA Educator Advocate, Mrs. Yumi Hogan. 

Allie said her phone lit up with excited messages from her classmates when the announcement was made! “What an honor it is to be able to represent such beautiful young women and the inspiring Claire Marie Foundation.” 

Allie joins past recipients who have studied in Claire’s memory at University of Southern California, Rollins College, University of Virginia and Savannah College of Arts & Design. 

Allie, good luck on your academic and professional adventure! We can’t wait to see the joy, color and beauty you bring to the world!

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Oh No! Found a Suspicious Mole or Skin Lesion Amid COVID-19 Shut-Down? Here’s What To Do!

In this era of COVID19 it can be challenging to manage the common practice of healthcare. Thus, many routine medical concerns, including dermatology screenings for skin cancer and melanoma, are on hold for most people.

In an attempt to manage their own health as best they can, some patients may turn to smartphone apps to assess a suspicious skin lesion. That is not a good idea!  A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA) found these leading apps offer false results. SkinVision and SkinScan, the two most popular apps, were both missing melanomas and offering false positive readings. Furthermore, 45% of the time, the images couldn’t even be interpreted by the apps.  It should be noted that the FDA has not yet approved these apps for the diagnosis of melanoma.

What should you do if you can’t get an appointment with your dermatologist and you have a suspicious skin lesion?  We reached out to Claire Marie Foundation Medical Advisor, Dr. Meg R. Gerstenblith, M.D., a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve University and a Clinical Associate in the Department of Dermatology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Here is what Dr. Gerstenblith had to say:

“The past few months, our lives have changed dramatically.  Each one of us has been impacted by COVID19, even if we haven’t personally been sick.  Routine medical visits, including skin exams by dermatologists, have been pushed back.  We won’t fully appreciate the effects of these delays, although in the context of cancer screening and cancer care, some hypothesize that the impact will be felt for years to come.

However, many dermatologists’ offices are open for telemedicine visits and urgent concerns, including the diagnosis and treatment of aggressive skin cancers. 

In a typical telemedicine visit, a patient will upload photos of a suspicious lesion (or lesions) and, during the video visit, the dermatologist will review the photos and obtain critical history information from the patient with regard to how long the patient has noticed the lesion, whether or not it is symptomatic, and whether or not it has changed in any respect. 

With this information, dermatologists can usually come up with a sound plan for that patient.  If the dermatologist is concerned, most are be able to see the patient in the office for the appropriate biopsy or excision of a suspicious lesion.  Our surgeons are performing skin cancer surgery as well.  We are doing our best to avoid delays in diagnosing and treating potentially aggressive skin cancers.  For some skin cancers that are not very aggressive, such as a superficial basal cell carcinoma, dermatologists may recommend waiting to treat those since they are highly unlikely to grow or spread.  

For the patient with the suspicious lesion, that patient should contact his/her dermatologist and set up a telemedicine visit.  The dermatologist can then advise the patient on whether or not he/she needs to be seen in person for an examination or a biopsy. 

If that patient’s dermatologist is not open or not conducting telemedicine visits, there are likely other offices that are open in that patient’s community–and the patient should seek out another dermatologist or speak to their primary care doctor to get assistance reaching a dermatologist. 

Most dermatology groups within academic hospitals are open during this COVID19 pandemic as are many private practices.  We would not recommend using any of the lesion detection apps, since studies have shown these to be ineffective.”

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Choosing For You and Baby: The Best Sunscreens For Pregnant Moms

The need to take care of your skin warrants special attention during pregnancy – especially when it comes to UV sun exposure. 

Pregnancy may bring an added risk for the development of melanoma. Hormonal changes, combined with genetics, have been found to be a link during pregnancy in some women. 

So along with getting a full body skin screening from your dermatologist, you also need to remember to wear sunscreen everyday.

What is the best choice for sunscreen to protect both you and your little one? We asked  Dr. Diane Orlinsky, MD, F.A.A.D.. Dr. Orlinsky is a board certified Dermatologist and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She also sits on the Claire Marie Foundation Medical Advisory.

Dr. Orlinsky says when it comes to using sunscreen during pregnancy, choose a product that offers a physical blocker instead of a chemical one. What’s the difference? Chemical blockers allow some of the sun’s rays to penetrate the skin. Physical blockers actually repel the UV rays off the skin. “Physical blockers are perfect for pregnancy because they consist of active mineral ingredients which are natural and of course that’s always the better choice! Look for an SPF of at least 30 with ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

There are elegant products such as Eryfotona Actinica Mineral Sunscreen by ISDIN or Colorescience Face Shield which offer great protection without leaving your skin looking chalky. Look for something which is fragrance free and really evaluate the label. Avoid products which have chemicals like oxybenzone, octinoxate or avobenzone.”

Of course it’s always important to remember to wear hats or clothing made of UPF 50 materials on those days you are at the beach or in the sun for long periods of time. Remember, taking care of you is as important as taking care of your baby!

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The Ignored Risk: People of Color Do Get Melanoma

If you have skin – you are at risk for melanoma. That’s it. Plain and simple. EVERYONE – no matter age, gender or race can develop melanoma. It does not discriminate and it isn’t always about the sun. Melanoma can occur due to genetics and hormonal changes related to puberty and pregnancy – especially among adolescents and young adults where diagnosis is at “epidemic proportions”. 

Many people of color live under the false assumption that they cannot develop melanoma because higher levels of melanin in their skin offer immunity to damaging rays of the sun. Yes, there is less risk than those with  fair skin, but when melanoma does occur, it is usually late stage with a much worse prognosis. Consider this: on the average – only 65% of patients of color diagnosed with melanoma survive five years compared to 91% of white patients. Why? A clear lack of awareness, education and preventive care among patients and the medical profession. 

Acral Lentiginous Melanoma or ALM is is the most common form of melanoma in people with darker skin and those of Asian descent although it can develop in all skin colors. It is found on the sole of the foot, the palm of the hand or under the nails. It can develop from an existing mole or pop out of nowhere! Although the actual cause is not clear, ALM appears more related to genetics than sun exposure. It is the form of melanoma that famously claimed the life of reggae icon Bob Marley.

Death rates from ALM are higher than other forms of melanoma mostly because it is often overlooked due to a lack of awareness and education among the patients and physicians. So what can you do? Begin by taking care of yourself!

  • Wear SPF 30 or 50 sunscreen every dayno matter your skin color.  It’s a challenge to find  a sunscreen that blends well with darker skin. Sunscreens containing titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide are the answer. Look for formulas that are micronized zinc preparations. They do especially well on darker skin tones by offering protection without a chalky look!
  • Get screened annually by a certified dermatologist! Make sure the examination includes an evaluation of your feet, hands and nails. Keep in mind general practitioners, internists, or pediatricians are not trained in dermatology and can overlook any suspicious moles. You need a dermatologist who utilizes dermatscopy. 
  • Wear UPF 50 clothing during extended time in the sun. There are so many wonderful sports and fashion looks out there; Sun50, Coolibar, Athleta, Columbia Sports, the list goes on and on. Think of it as shopping to stay healthy!
  • Check yourself out! Evaluate your own skin monthly and be sure to call a dermatologist if you see any unusual changes. Listen to the voice in your head. Your instincts usually are right!

Take charge of your skin and spread the word! Prevention is the cure when it comes to melanoma. Stay well. Stay safe. #livelifelikeclaire

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Adolescents, Young Adults, Cancer & Anxiety; Finding Control Amid COVID


April Moran, LCSW-C is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders in adolescents, adults and families. As a member of the Claire Marie Foundation Medical Advisory, she offers this insight for young cancer patients – and anyone seeking help in coping with the uncertainty that is COVD-19.

This week is Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week, yet this year the focus for any adolescent or young adult is different.  Their focus might be on how their treatment has been interrupted and or put on hold due to the COVID 19 crisis.  Expected anxiety about their cancer diagnosis has been replaced with anxiety about access to treatment.  The thing is, cancer doesn’t quiet down or go to sleep just because hospitals and treatment centers are either now a place of high risk for our youth or shut down all together.  It’s as if a banner saying “I’m living with uncertainty x10” is flying over them.  Read on to get some answers.

  • Look at your thoughts.  Finding a way to accept this current COVID situation and manage our feelings of powerlessness without falling into despair is of immediate importance right now.  We don’t get to choose what is happening, but we get to choose how we respond to it.  When we feel powerless, our power is always in how we respond.  This concept drew me to cognitive therapy as a young therapist.  Our thoughts directly create our emotions.  If you have the thought “this is awful, and I can’t handle it”, you will undoubtably feel anxious and afraid.  If you change your thought to “I’ve had lots of challenges before.  I don’t like this uncertainty, but I’m finding ways to handle it one day at a time”, you will feel less anxious and possibly hopeful.  As someone battling cancer, the feeling of hope is important to your physical and mental health.
  • Create Meaning and Practice Gratitude.  One of the ways we can choose to cope is to do things that create meaning.  Martin Seligman is a therapist I have long admired.  He talks about how when we pursue meaning (starting a peer support group) and connect (reaching out to other adolescents and young adults with cancer to check on them) we will experience positive emotion.  This is the control we do have.  As a therapist,  I often ask my young clients going through times where they experience high levels of powerlessness to practice gratitude.  This video by Dr. Sood best illustrates what I’m talking about.
  • Do something you are good at.  Another important way to manage during this time and give you a sense of control is to do something you are good at once a day.  It could be anything from yoga to making others laugh.  You will feel a quick surge in your mood.
  • Set up “worry time”. Sometimes despite all efforts – worry and “what if” thoughts seep into our minds.  Sometimes it feels impossible not to worry.  Set up a “worry time” for about 15 minutes a day at the same time, every day.  This is called containment and will help you let go of your worry and stay more present in your day when it’s not “worry time”.  When worries inevitably come, acknowledge them, do your best to remind yourself about worry time and shift your attention to connecting with others, distracting yourself with a movie or doing anything that brings meaning.  This will help you stay more present and connected in the moment.  
  • Connect-even if you don’t feel like it Last but probably most important, try to virtually connect with others.  Group time is essential and helps everyone feel that connection to others – that need to be included.  Being “part of a tribe” goes back to early survival and not getting eaten by wildlife.  It was physically safe to be part of a tribe.  Evolution is slow and our brains still register physical danger even if the danger now is emotional.  Right now, with the need to isolate, we are having a very high stress response to being alone and apart from our tribe.  Teens and young adults with cancer need to create ways to connect more than ever.  

There will be a time when things return to “normal”.  Your treatment will get back on track and you will find new ways to adapt for now.  Having hope gives you the courage to survive.  Take this one moment at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time.

For more information or to contact April Moran, explore her website


April Moran, LCSW-C



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Taking 10 Minutes to Save Young Lives

What is 10 minutes worth to you? We’re talking about 600 seconds. That’s roughly the length of time it takes to get your latte from your favorite barista.  It’s probably the same amount of time it takes to peruse your social media feeds or to shop for a couple of items on Amazon. It’s also the length of time it takes to get a full body, dermascopy based skin screening.  10 minutes that could save your life. You’re worth it right?

Since 2016, the Claire Marie Foundation has offered free skin screenings to nearly 1000 young people in Maryland. Of those,  more than 14% have been found to have atypical moles that needed biospy for suspicion of melanoma.   In 2019, we were able to take our screenings on the road by teaming with our CMF Collegiate Ambassadors at the College of Charleston and  Germaine Dermatology  in Mount Pleasant South Carolina where 50% of those college students screened required biospy for suspicion of melanoma.  Yes,  early stage melanomas have been found – often in moles that looked perfectly normal to the naked eye.  Those patients will tell you it’s the best 10 minutes ever spent! 

Melanoma diagnosis has increased 253% in the last 40 years in young people where it can develop for reasons that often have nothing to do with the sun! Melanoma can be the result of genetic, hormonal or immune related conditions.  It is the second most common cancer in adolescents, the number one diagnosed cancer in young adults under 29 and top cause of cancer death in women 25-30.  The Claire Marie Foundation is leading the charge in developing  melanoma prevention programs for adolescents and young adults. In fact we are the only non-profit in the U.S.  to turn a spotlight exclusively on this age group!

Melanoma is one of the most preventable of cancers. All it takes is a new mindset and simple life style changes.  Pretty simple huh?  What goes on at a Claire Marie Free Screening? Just take a look!


When is the next CMF Free Skin Screening? So glad you asked!  We’re working on that right now!  Details and locations  will be announced  both here on and our social media sites.  Check back as the appointments go fast!

In the meantime, if you have any concerns, contact a dermatologist who uses dermascopy for routine screenings immediately. Wear SPF 30 – 50 daily and apply every two hours when out in the sun. Adding UPF 50 clothing is always a  great idea!  Take care of your skin. Take care of you.  Be aware. Because #awarenesssaveslifes  #livelifelikeclaire!




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All the Worlds a Stage for Edina Hiser; CMF’s First Arts & Design Scholar

The world is full of colorful, vibrant possibilities for Edina Hiser.  With the whirlwind of graduation behind her, the 2015 inaugural recipient of the Claire Marie Foundation Scholarship in Arts and Design has a degree from the University of Southern California School of Dramatic Arts in hand and a portfolio brimming with four years of theatrical work.  Los Angeles is now her home as she launches her career.  It is a long way from the halls of Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson Maryland where this self described “art kid” immersed herself in art classes, the school’s annual fashion show and any other creative outlet available which would allow her to tell stories in visual ways. 


As a high school classmate and design collaborator of Claire Wagonhurst, Edina decided to use the scholarship award in her friend’s name to help offset the cost of college tuition at USC where she had chosen to major in Theatre Design with Costume and Scenic Design becoming  the two emphasis components for her major field of study. 

USC’s School of Dramatic Arts puts on an astounding twenty-two productions per year, which created the perfect environment for Edina to consistently express her many talents.  During her four years, Edina served as both Assistant and Lead Costume and Assistant and Lead Scenic Designer on an extremely impressive number of theatrical productions, including well-known shows like West Side Story, Twelfth Night, Cabaret, and Spring Awakening.rst


Now that this uber talented young lady has her USC undergraduate degree in hand, she is living in Los Angeles for the foreseeable future and is currently focusing on building her artistic network and reaching out to the many contacts she accumulated throughout her time in school. She recently worked on an Emmy event for STARZ, the premium cable and satellite television network, and got some on-set experience as a costumer for an independent feature film. 

As a young artist who possesses such an extensive array of talents, Edina presently finds it difficult to narrow down a singular goal or job, when asked about where she envisions herself in the coming five years. “I enjoy the thought of going down unexpected paths. I’d eventually love to work on a big feature film, but I realize that each step towards that is a goal in and of itself. I’d also be perfectly content to remain strictly working in the theatre environment.”

What she does know for certain is that she finds joy in all sorts of storytelling, a theme that weaves its way through all of her artistic endeavors. For anyone who might question why she’s willing to take a risk on a career in the arts, where success can seem so chancy and fleeting, she responds as the true artist that she is, “Doing this kind of work is hard, grueling actually. I’ve never seen people work harder than the ones I came to know and work with in the theatre over the past four years at USC. You absolutely need to have a passion for it. And I just can’t imagine myself doing anything else.”

She went on to explain, “As a person who has always been incredibly touched by the work of storytellers, I love the idea of being able to continue the tradition through my own unique lens.  People look to art for answers and it brings them so much joy and meaning in times of hardship. Being able to provide even a little piece of that is a dream of mine.” 

Edina has, and continues to, find inspiration for her creative work from the people she calls her mentors, both her theatre professors from USC, whom she admirably describes as gifted teaching and working professionals, and from her fellow graduates and those friends still studying at USC, many of whom she now considers to be her West Coast family. 

As for her special connection to the Claire Marie Foundation, Edina is so proud and grateful to have been the first beneficiary of their Arts and Design scholarship. 

“I have loved watching how the Wagonhurst family has grown this foundation over the past four years. To see their heartbreaking loss, evolve into an organization that is not only doing great work, but is so full of love and support for the entire Notre Dame Preparatory Class of 2015, and the school community, is just wonderful.” 

Edina feels that the foundation’s support of the arts is one of the best uses of Claire’s name and is perfectly fitting for her lasting legacy. Claire, just like Edina, loved color and texture, and knew that those elements could bring joy to people’s lives and make the world a better and brighter place. 

Keep your eye on Edina Hiser, who’s artistic storytelling may very well be coming soon to a theatre near you.

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Bringing More Joy, Color and Beauty to the World Through Scholarship!

We just want to send a big shout-out to Margaret “Maggie” Franz who has been selected as the 2019 Recipient of the Claire Marie Scholarship in Arts & Design!  Maggie is off this fall to Savannah College of Arts and Design where she will immerse herself in fashion and costume design.

Every year since 2015, the award is given to a graduating senior from Claire’s alma mater, Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson, Maryland to support the recipient’s desire to study the design arts in college. It was a dream of Claire’s to launch a career in interior design and we are thrilled to see other young women share the same passion and excitement. Each year, our winners are selected by an exquisite team of noted design professionals from across the country! They bring expertise in fashion, theatrical, animation, interiors, illustration and fine arts. Our thanks to our CMF Scholarship Committee; Katie Fico with Walt Disney Animation Studio, Los Angeles based Interior Designer Stacey Vuduris, Illustrator Inslee Haynes Fariss, Danielle DiFerdinando of Danielle Nicole Handbags and Jewelry, Theatrical Designer Timothy Swiss of Los Angeles and Maryland’s First Lady and MICA Educator Advocate, Mrs. Yumi Hogan.  We just loved celebrating with Maggie and her mom Kathy!


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College Football and Melanoma – The Toughest Opponent

NCAA Athletic Trainers have a lot to worry about when it comes to their players; ACL , meniscus and achilles tears, concussions, fractures, de-hydration, the list goes on and on.

But as we begin to wrap up the 2018 College Football season and focus on the Bowl games and the National Championship, a spotlight has been directed to a medical concern for athletes that has nothing to do with what happens on the field.

Vanderbilt University and University of Kentucky, both teams in the SEC, have faced this season without key players; two young warriors, two separate teams, facing the same battle off the field. For both, the opponent is melanoma. For both, they are facing the battle of their life.

Turner Cockrell, a redshirted sophomore from Georgia is a tight-end at Vanderbilt University. A year ago, at the conclusion of the 2017 season,  he noticed lumps in his neck. Melanoma was diagnosed and he underwent radiation treatments for 20 consecutive weeks. In July, scans showed the melanoma had spread to his lungs. Turner is undergoing treatment at MD Anderson in Houston.

Josh Paschal, a Sophomore Defensive End at the University of Kentucky and Maryland native, was diagnosed in August after the team’s sharp-eyed athletic trainer spotted lesions on his foot. Biopsy revealed Josh had indeed developed melanoma. After surgery, skin grafts and treatment, Josh is now able to get back on the field for some conditioning – although not yet ready to suit up.

Melanoma is the second most common cancer in young people 8-19 with those numbers jumping in young adults to make it the most common cancer in those under the age of 29.   Genetics and hormonal changes contribute to development of the disease, but excessive UV/UVB sun exposure remains the greatest risk – especially for athletes. A study out of Stanford University has found  a typical NCAA Athlete will spend at least four hours a day, ten months a year training or competing outdoors. Thats at least 1,200 hours a year baking in the sun. Sweating and the use of anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin, advil, motrin and aleve increases the skin’s sensitivity to ultraviolet light as do antibiotics.

What’s the solution? Awareness, education and prevention – all that we offer through the Claire Marie Foundation. You see, the simple truth is this; if detected early, melanoma is highly treatable, even preventable.  Thats why at the Claire Marie Foundation, we reach out to young adults through our Collegiate Ambassador Program where more than 100 CMF Ambassadors spread awareness and education on 43 college and university campuses nationwide.

We strive to stop melanoma before it develops through the CMF Free Skin Screening Program and are working to develop better education among those who serve students and athletes through CMF professional programs such as the Claire Wagonhurst Guest Lectureship at Johns Hopkins University.

So during the holidays, as you are cheering on your favorite team, remember Turner and Josh as they pour their incredible strength and power into the “game” that matters the most; the championship of their lives. With that victory behind them, just imagine what they will do on the field in 2019. Can’t wait for that Vanderbilt – U of Kentucky game!

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